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RC Service - Get a Quote

OMEA Advisors offers an outsourced RC service supported by an expert team and an ISAE 3402 certified cloud-based technology software allowing for automation of KYC, KYT and KYD including daily checks on adverse news.


OMEA can help clients identify gaps in relation to their AML/CFT obligations and close them. This can be done as part of a full RC mandate or on an advisory basis to an existing RC function.


Are you interested in obtaining a quote?

You can contact us to discuss your requirements further. Alternatively please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Request a Quote

The name and legal structure of the entity for which the service will be contracted.

Is this a regulated/supervised entity?

Do you have an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM) -
if different from the entity for which the service is contracted - and if yes, in which jurisdiction is the AIFM located?

Do you have any of the following service providers in place?
Please click all that apply.

Are any of the service providers selected above located in
jurisdictions other than Luxembourg? If yes, please indicate
which party and where.

Do you have a D&O insurance covering the entity for which the
service will be contracted?


Please provide more information about the initiators, Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) and investors of the entity.
Please click all that apply.

Please provide more information on the number of investors and the typology of investors involved.


Please provide some more information about the investments. Click all that apply.

Does the entity have investments in geographies considered high risk? If yes, please indicate, else state 'n/a'.

Adverse news/exclusion lists

Are you running regular checks on adverse news and exclusions lists (Targeted Financial Sanctions (TFS) and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP))?

Personal information

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch shortly.

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